Timezone Setup
Here you can switch to your local timezone to show all the dates and times at MyCannapot correctly!
* Tip: If you have no idea about your timezone, check out AskGeo.com, click at the map there and look out for the "Olson time zone ID" in the table below the map!
Current Timezone
At the moment, all times at MyCannapot will be displayed for the timezone Europe/Vienna.
The current time here is 13:57 CET (GMT +0100).
Select your Timezone
Please click onto your timezone to overtake it!
* If you can not find your zone in the following list, click here to show all avaialable timezones.
The current time now is 03:27 in:
- Pacific: Marquesas
The current time now is 03:57 in:
The current time now is 04:57 in:
- America: Los Angeles, Santa Isabel, Tijuana, Vancouver
- Pacific: Pitcairn
The current time now is 05:57 in:
- America: Boise, Cambridge Bay, Creston, Dawson, Dawson Creek, Denver, Edmonton, Hermosillo, Inuvik, Mazatlan, Phoenix, Whitehorse, Yellowknife
The current time now is 06:57 in:
- America: Bahia Banderas, Belize, Chicago, Chihuahua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Indiana, Managua, Matamoros, Menominee, Merida, Mexico City, Monterrey, North Dakota, Ojinaga, Rainy River, Rankin Inlet, Regina, Resolute, Swift Current, Tegucigalpa, Winnipeg
- Pacific: Galapagos
The current time now is 07:57 in:
- America: Atikokan, Bogota, Cancun, Cayman, Detroit, Eirunepe, Grand Turk, Guayaquil, Havana, Indiana, Iqaluit, Jamaica, Kentucky, Lima, Nassau, New York, Nipigon, Panama, Pangnirtung, Port-au-Prince, Rio Branco, Thunder Bay, Toronto
- Pacific: Easter
The current time now is 08:57 in:
- America: Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Barbados, Blanc-Sablon, Boa Vista, Campo Grande, Caracas, Cuiaba, Curacao, Dominica, Glace Bay, Goose Bay, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Halifax, Kralendijk, La Paz, Lower Princes, Manaus, Marigot, Martinique, Moncton, Montserrat, Port of Spain, Porto Velho, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, St Barthelemy, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Thomas, St Vincent, Thule, Tortola
- Atlantic: Bermuda
The current time now is 09:27 in:
- America: St Johns
The current time now is 09:57 in:
The current time now is 10:57 in:
- America: Godthab, Noronha, Scoresbysund
- Atlantic: South Georgia
The current time now is 11:57 in:
- Atlantic: Azores, Cape Verde
The current time now is 12:57 in:
The current time now is 13:57 in:
- Africa: Algiers, Bangui, Brazzaville, Casablanca, Ceuta, Douala, El Aaiun, Kinshasa, Lagos, Libreville, Luanda, Malabo, Ndjamena, Niamey, Porto-Novo, Tunis
- Arctic: Longyearbyen
- Europe: Amsterdam, Andorra, Belgrade, Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Busingen, Copenhagen, Gibraltar, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, Madrid, Malta, Monaco, Oslo, Paris, Podgorica, Prague, Rome, San Marino, Sarajevo, Skopje, Stockholm, Tirane, Vaduz, Vatican, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb, Zurich
The current time now is 14:57 in:
- Africa: Blantyre, Bujumbura, Cairo, Gaborone, Harare, Johannesburg, Juba, Khartoum, Kigali, Lubumbashi, Lusaka, Maputo, Maseru, Mbabane, Tripoli, Windhoek
- Asia: Beirut, Gaza, Hebron, Jerusalem, Nicosia
- Europe: Athens, Bucharest, Chisinau, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Mariehamn, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Uzhgorod, Vilnius, Zaporozhye
The current time now is 15:57 in:
The current time now is 16:27 in:
- Asia: Tehran
The current time now is 16:57 in:
The current time now is 17:27 in:
- Asia: Kabul
The current time now is 17:57 in:
The current time now is 18:42 in:
- Asia: Kathmandu
The current time now is 19:57 in:
- Antarctica: Davis
- Asia: Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Hovd, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, Phnom Penh, Pontianak, Vientiane
- Indian: Christmas
The current time now is 20:57 in:
- Antarctica: Casey
- Asia: Brunei, Choibalsan, Hong Kong, Irkutsk, Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Macau, Makassar, Manila, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei, Ulaanbaatar
- Australia: Perth
The current time now is 21:42 in:
- Australia: Eucla
The current time now is 21:57 in:
The current time now is 22:27 in:
- Australia: Darwin
The current time now is 22:57 in:
- Antarctica: DumontDUrville
- Asia: Ust-Nera, Vladivostok
- Australia: Brisbane, Lindeman
- Pacific: Chuuk, Guam, Port Moresby, Saipan
The current time now is 23:27 in:
- Australia: Adelaide, Broken Hill
The current time now is 23:57 in:
- Antarctica: Macquarie
- Asia: Magadan, Sakhalin, Srednekolymsk
- Australia: Currie, Hobart, Lord Howe, Melbourne, Sydney
- Pacific: Bougainville, Efate, Guadalcanal, Kosrae, Noumea, Pohnpei
The current time now is 00:57 in:
The current time now is 01:57 in:
The current time now is 02:42 in:
- Pacific: Chatham
The current time now is 02:57 in:
- Pacific: Kiritimati