Auktion #1648904402

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Current bid
= 25.00 EUR (185.94 kr.)
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New Grape 48 ???
New420Guy Seeds
6 Regular Seeds
Actual 6 bids
Auction will end in
Ending in 2 days, 17 hours, 40 minutes and 40 seconds.
Auction will end at
Monday 29th of April 2024 09:53:43 AM (CEST)
This is the last auction! ???
New Grape 48: 6 Regular Seeds Auction ends in 2 days, 17 hours, 40 minutes and 40 seconds Next possible bid: 193.38 kr. Current bid: 185.94 kr. A B A B A B BIDDEN: 185.94 kr. 9:53:43 CEST 165.26 kr. 21:38:53 CEST 168.98 kr. 21:38:57 CEST 168.98 kr. 21:39:19 CEST 172.70 kr. 21:39:23 CEST 174.78 kr. 21:40:50 CEST 185.94 kr. PURCHASE! +7.44 kr. TIME LEFT: ~3d~ 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr

Bid history

The highest bidder in this auction is "B" with his bid about 185.94 kr. (25.00 EUR)
User-ID Bid Raise Info
-- B -> 185.94 kr. + 11.16 kr. 22nd Apr, 21:40:50 (CEST)
-- A -> 174.78 kr. + 2.08 kr. 22nd Apr, 21:39:23 (CEST)
-- B -> 172.70 kr. + 3.72 kr. 22nd Apr, 21:39:19 (CEST)
-- A -> 168.98 kr. - 22nd Apr, 21:38:57 (CEST)
-- B -> 168.98 kr. + 3.72 kr. 22nd Apr, 21:38:53 (CEST)
-- A -> 165.26 kr. - 22nd Apr, 09:53:43 (CEST)

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