Auktion #1648904402

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Current bid
= 25.00 EUR (26.84 $)
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New Grape 48 ???
New420Guy Seeds
6 Regular Seeds
Actual 6 bids
Auction will end in
Ending in 18 hours, 6 minutes and 13 seconds.
Auction will end at
Monday 29th of April 2024 09:53:43 AM (CEST)
This is the last auction! ???
New Grape 48: 6 Regular Seeds Auction ends in 18 hours, 6 minutes and 13 seconds Next possible bid: 27.91 $ Current bid: 26.84 $ A B A B A B BIDDEN: 26.84 $ 9:53:43 CEST 23.85 $ 21:38:53 CEST 24.39 $ 21:38:57 CEST 24.39 $ 21:39:19 CEST 24.93 $ 21:39:23 CEST 25.23 $ 21:40:50 CEST 26.84 $ PURCHASE! +1.07 $ TIME LEFT: ~18h~ 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr

Bid history

The highest bidder in this auction is "B" with his bid about 26.84 $ (25.00 EUR)
User-ID Bid Raise Info
-- B -> 26.84 $ + 1.61 $ 22nd Apr, 21:40:50 (CEST)
-- A -> 25.23 $ + 0.30 $ 22nd Apr, 21:39:23 (CEST)
-- B -> 24.93 $ + 0.54 $ 22nd Apr, 21:39:19 (CEST)
-- A -> 24.39 $ - 22nd Apr, 21:38:57 (CEST)
-- B -> 24.39 $ + 0.54 $ 22nd Apr, 21:38:53 (CEST)
-- A -> 23.85 $ - 22nd Apr, 09:53:43 (CEST)

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