Auktion #1650723902

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3 Run Homer ???
New420Guy Seeds
6 Regular Seeds
Actual 6 bids
Auction finished since
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Auction finished at
Saturday 13th of April 2024 09:18:15 PM (CEST)
This is the last auction! ???
3 Run Homer: 6 Regular Seeds Auction Finished! before - Winning bid from "B" (466.41 ₱) Next possible bid: - ₱ Highest (winning) bid: 466.41 ₱ A B A B A B X BIDDEN: 466.41 ₱ 21:18:15 CEST 385.25 ₱ 18:42:06 CEST 395.53 ₱ 18:42:10 CEST 395.53 ₱ 18:43:40 CEST 435.59 ₱ 18:43:44 CEST 452.24 ₱ 18:46:20 CEST 466.41 ₱ 8 Apr 9 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13 Apr

Bid history

The highest bidder in this auction is "B" with his bid about 466.41 ₱ (22.70 EUR)
User-ID Bid Raise Info
-- B -> 466.41 ₱ + 14.18 ₱ 12th Apr, 18:46:20 (CEST)
-- A -> 452.24 ₱ + 16.64 ₱ 12th Apr, 18:43:44 (CEST)
-- B -> 435.59 ₱ + 40.07 ₱ 12th Apr, 18:43:40 (CEST)
-- A -> 395.53 ₱ - 12th Apr, 18:42:10 (CEST)
-- B -> 395.53 ₱ + 10.27 ₱ 12th Apr, 18:42:06 (CEST)
-- A -> 385.25 ₱ - 8th Apr, 21:18:15 (CEST)